And in the beginning it was the chaos and afterwards became the ground [eyrysternos], and by the chaos were given birth him the [erebos] and black night.
And the earth gave birth the big mountains, the sea, the and deep ocean.
the sky and the earth was given birth saturn that meant the end of the kingdom of sky and the rise of saturn in the stone throne of parnassos mountain.
and by the sky and the ground were given birth the remainder titans.
[iapetos] was the first resident of karpathos.
and [iapetos] with the nymph asia
And from Asia four sons acquired
descendants of prometheus lived the island and all greece

Karpathos Is Lived By The Neolithic Period, Base Of Antiquities That Was Found.
At Irodotos And Thoykydidis.
The pelasgi kares resided in karpathos as well as in a lot of other islands of aegean, under the sovereignty of minoa, they did not pay tax, but they had the obligation to serve in his boats.
Minoan colonies were found abundant in karpathos.
the minoans, naval population lives mainly in beach.
their cities do not have walls, and the navy dominates in all the islands and the residents feels sure from any danger.
Thus is created big culture in aegean.
the minoans, believed mother view, mother ground of all creatures

Thira- Current santorini
The Cycladic culture in all the greatness
The explosion of volcano destroyed the minoan empire, causing enormous destructions in the around islands.
Afterwards from 50 year the life in karpathos base of archaeological excavations begins to acquire again her physiologic rythms